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Stufa tirolese ad aria
Stufa tirolese ad aria
Stufa tirolese ad aria

Thanks to its experience and to the availble technologies, Keralpen realized a stove that can heat both the environments by radiating heating than by forced air at the same time.

Stove has got a fan suitable system with 1 or 2 air fans, that allow to hot air to blow everywhere uniformly, so to guarantee an efficient and comfortable heating.

The lines that transport smokes from the combustion chamber till the chimney are called smoke rounds, and they have to be exactly reduced up to the power of the stove.

The ceramic squares that coat the stove can heat till 150°C, but there’s any danger of burns, because they have a good thermal conducivity.

A stove can heat an environment of max. 500 m3. It takes to clean the ash produced by the wood only few times a year.

It’s important that the fire ever burn on an ash layer and not directly on the refractory floor.

It takes to charge the stove twice a day. Who follow strictly the few rules contained in the Instruction Manual is able to use Tyrolean Stove with forced air without problems, without wastes, and he will have great satisfactions.


50 mq


80 mq


130 mq

Funzionamento della distribuzione del calore all’interno della stufa


Thanks to its experience and to the available technologies, Keralpen realized a wood stove with forced air, that is able to heat environments both by radiating heating, than by forced hot air.

Stove has got a fan system with 1 or 2 adjustable fans Forced hot air allow the pre-heating of the the environment before than stove starting radiating heating from squares.

How for the classic model, it takes to charge the stove twice a day, when there’s the cold season, otherwise only once a day. With the same amount of wood, besides radiating heating, you can get also hot air.

TABLE 1 Measures (cm.)  K50A    K80A   K130A
Stove Width (Max. size) 71 93 115
Stove Width (Internal Body) 60 88 110
Stove Depth (Max. size – floor block)  / 71 93
Stove Depth (Internal Size – base) / 66 88
Stove Hight (Base excluded) 60 60 60
Stove Hight (Internal Body – base) 55 55 55
Profondità Stube (ingombro massimo – cappello)  / 49 49
Stube depth (maximum space – hat) 44 44
Stube height (excluding base) 124 131 153
Stube height (internal body – base)  / 88 88
Stube height (inner body – hat)  / 22 44
Chimney connection Diameter 15 15 15
Distance space hole from the ceiling 10 10 10
Hight Chimney connection Diameter 137 144 166